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Business Handshake

​Zero Investment
All Profit

A Step Away From Traditional

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At Vigorous W H-Tech, we understand the apprehension that comes with taking out loans or dipping into savings for property investments or accessory dwelling units (ADUs), even when they promise significant returns. That's why we've crafted a unique financial plan to alleviate these concerns for our clients.


Instead of requiring you to invest your own funds, we provide a comprehensive one-time loan. This loan initially serves as a construction loan and seamlessly transitions into a mortgage loan, covering all expenses associated with the ADU both during and after its construction. The repayment of this loan commences approximately two years after the initial build, at which point the unit becomes fully yours. With this approach, we aim to make property investment worry-free and accessible for our clients.

Construction to Mortgage

In simple terms, this means that our customers don’t need to provide any financial investment of their own, only the space for the project in return for extra passive income, improved evaluation values, and extra living space.

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